“Różewicz and paintings” exhibition at the Galeria Opera
To mark the centenary of Tadeusz Różewicz’s birth, the exhibition “Różewicz and Paintings” was opened at the Opera Gallery in the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera. The curator of the exhibition, Marcin Fedisz, has selected painters and their works in such a way as to illustrate the poet’s long-standing friendships with the artistic community. The exhibition features works by such artists as Tadeusz Brzozowski, Maria Jarema, Ewa Kierska, Aleksander Kobzdej, Tadeusz Makowski, Kazimierz Mikulski, Jerzy Nowosielski, Jonasz Stern, Stasys Eidrigevičius, Jerzy Tchórzewski and Andrzej Wróblewski.
The paintings of these artists have been complemented by the words of Różewicz. Thanks to the cooperation with the Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation, the exhibition features seven works on paper by the artist. Some of them are sketches for Executions and “Mother with a Dead Child” – some of them have not been exhibited before and are known only from publications. These drawings show subsequent stages of Wróblewski’s thinking about the cycle of Shootings, they also show the artist’s unrealized ideas.

Author of the poster: Stasys Eidrigevičius
Galeria Opera. Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa, Plac Teatralny 1, Warszawa
Exhibition from October 8 do December 31, 2021.