The Foundation
The Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation (Fundacja Andrzeja Wróblewskiego), was registered on February 27, 2012, under the National Court Registry No. (KRS) 0000412488, by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register.
Supervising Authority: Minister of Culture and National Heritage.
Founders: Marta Wróblewska, Krystyna Łysik, dr Magdalena Ziółkowska, Wojciech Grzybała.
The Board: Wojciech Grzybała (President), dr Magdalena Ziółkowska (Vice-President)
Purposes of the Foundation:
– To develop, popularise, and contextualise the knowledge of Andrzej Wrólblewski’s life and work (b. 1927, Vilnius – d. 1957, Tatry Mountains),
– To provide organisational and academic support for cultural institutions, scholars, curators, artists, and all those interested in the research on the life and practice of Andrzej Wróblewski,
– To extend conservation supervision over Andrzej Wróblewski’s output in public institutions, collections of heirs as well as private collections,
– To popularise and promote Polish contemporary art in Poland and abroad, including the work of Andrzej Wróblewski.
The Foundation Pursues its Purpouses Through:
– Initiation and organisation of exhibitions, academic conferences, seminars, symposiums, works hops, and other artistic events related to contemporary art, in particular those related to the life and work of Andrzej Wróblewski,
– Realising public tasks, commissioned by public administration institutions, in the field of culture and art, protection of cultural goods and national heritage related to contemporary art,
– Initiation and participation in Polish and international research projects related to contemporary art, in particular those related to the life and work of Andrzej Wróblewski,
– Publishing activity, including online publishing, that promotes and disseminates knowledge of the life and work of Andrzej Wróblewski,
– Providing inspiration to scholars, curators, artists, and all parties focuses around the goals and ideas of the Foundation, as well as collaboration with other parties pursuing similar goals,
– Collecting, researching and making the archive and scientific materials, as well as information concerning the life and work of Andrzej Wróblewski,
– Providing opinion on the topic of the output of Andrzej Wróblewski, in particular opinions on authenticity of works, as well as conducting conservation works with respect to the artist’s output,
– Processing and ma king available the visual material, reproductions of Andrzej Wróblewski’s works, as well as his texts,
– Organisation and co-organisation of educational activities in the field of visual arts: works hops, courses, individual classes for children, youth, and adults,
– Offering awards and scholarships to artists and scholars.