
fundacja andrzeja wróblewskiego

Interview with Magdalena Ziółkowska and Wojciech Grzybała in „Spotkania z Zabytkami”


The latest issue of the ‘Spotkania z Zabytkami’ quarterly magazine features an interview with Wojciech Grzybała and Magdalena Ziółkowska – co-founders of the Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation.

In the conversation entitled. ‘Death in Venice…’ they discuss the exhibition Andrzej Wróblewski. In the First Person accompanying this year’s La Biennale di Venezia and the significance of the city for the history of exhibiting the artist’s work – ‘this is the second, and not the first time, that Wróblewski’s canvases have been shown in Venice. In September 1959, three of them were presented by Ryszard Stanisławski at the Mostra di pittura polacca contemporanea,’ emphasises Wojciech Grzybała, ‘today, when almost 70 years have passed since the artist’s death, the exhibition Andrzej Wróblewski. In the First Person unquestionably confirms the presence of the artist’s works in the canon of post-war art. And at the same time, it opens it up to new avenues of interpretation. This is an extremely important moment in the international reception of his work.’

The co-founders talk about the challenging conservation of the works on paper – a recent project of the Foundation – as and about the remarkable resulting discoveries.

The interview is available in the paper version of the quarterly magazine ‘Spotkania z Zabytkami’ (July-September 3/2024) and online